Women X Script Competition Entry

from £18.00

Entering into the competition allows you to potentially reach the finalists and be considered as one of our winners, but if you’re not selected it may be beneficial for you to have our ‘Rianne Reads’ approach feedback, where you get actionable steps on what to do next with your script and why it may have not got through to the next round.

You have the option to select ‘Entry & Feedback’ you’ll receive one to two pages of feedback of what’s good, what’s not so good, what your next steps are and a grade in 5 different areas of your writing. This is an additional cost to your entry fee.

All work sent to us as part of the competition remains your property, and will not be shared with any third party outside of the script competition jury. We can not accept scripts that have already been produced into short films, or are in pre-production or other development stages with a third party attached.

The cost of entry is £18.00 and the cost of entry and feedback is £70.00

You will also need to complete the google form along with sending your script to our development inbox, all information is on the main page.

Purchase and Begin Application